CompTIA A+ is the industry standard for launching IT careers into today’s digital world. This workshop prepares participants for the CompTIA A+ exam. The prep workshop is designed to provide a knowledge base for those students seeking to enroll in the A+ or Security+ workshops and is required to enroll in the CompTIA Certification Workshops. Students will learn and review basic computer concepts and terminology to prepare them for the CompTIA A+ and the Security+ workshops. This workshop is the prerequisite for the CompTIA Certification workshops. Perfect for entry-level professionals interested in learning to use Excel in their daily tasks.

This workshop gives an overview of the basics and then gradually builds a solid foundation for those looking to use Microsoft Excel in their careers.
Learn how to create an organizational structure while also taking into consideration the ethics of it all. This workshop teaches business owners how to effectively maintain a business for longevity. Each section of the application is covered, enabling participants to gain the necessary skills to write a successful grant application. Along with teaching the basic skills needed to write and apply for grants, the workshop will review the different types of grants and the application information essential for each type. This workshop is for anyone interested in writing grants but has no prior experience. Participants will learn transportation and logistics, how to manage a shipment, and how to manage export and import documents. Topics include shipping processes, document management for exporting and importing products, and transportation costs. This workshop provides the basics of supply chain management, operations and logistics, and customer service. If you've completed a previous workshop and would like to enroll in another, please email Information Supply Chain Management A-Z: Operations and Logistics Basic

Because of COVID-19's economic impact on our communities, VWU Global Campus-in partnership with the Hampton Roads Workforce Council and Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development-is offering the following professional development workshops at no cost to you. Virginia Wesleyan University Global Campus offers comprehensive non-degree continuing education courses designed to provide advanced skill sets valued by employers. Enhance Your Skills & Increase Your Employability